I just collected from this website to create my own continuous playlist.

Disclaimer - These episodes are by no means owned by me.Ippo is the underdog, he starts to lose early, gets knocked down a few times, he has guts, he gets up, he gets a KO and wins. In a series entirely predicated on Ippo's boxing matches, they all (save one) progress EXACTLY the same way. Story: Hajime no Ippo commits the cardinal sin of really any story (anime or otherwise): it's boring.Geneon USA licensed the other Hajime no Ippo properties, but since they've left the anime business for good, they won't be picking this up. It also hasn't been licensed by an R1 company, so there are currently no plans to dub it. It hasn't been dubbed (it has, but only into Tagalog, not English).With a will of iron, Ippo steps into the ring once again. Hajime no Ippo: Rising continues Ippo's quest to become stronger, featuring the same cast of loveable dimwits from Kamogawa Gym, as they put their bodies and hearts on the line to make their way in the harsh world of professional boxing. Will Ippo be able to step up to the challenge, or will the weight of his pride destroy him before he finds out just what it means to be strong? Meanwhile, fellow Kamogawa Gym mate Aoki Masaru is just a hop, skip, and a Frog Punch away from claiming his own belt, ready to take on the Japanese Lightweight Champion! However, new challengers are rising up left and right, claiming to have an answer for the move responsible for crushing his opponents. Japanese Featherweight Champion Makunouchi Ippo has defended his title belt once more with the help of his devastating signature move: the Dempsey Roll.