And I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah and I bear witness that Mohammad is His slave and messenger. And we seek refuge in Him from the evils of our selves. We praise Him, we seek His assistance and we ask for His forgiveness.

Especially if people, animals and the land are in need of water. Indeed there is hardly an image more beautiful in this worldly life than rain descending from the sky. The moments that it rains are among the most beautiful moments of a person’s life. He commands the clouds, then they gather and travel by the command of Allāh to where He wills. Among the manifestations of His great power and the evidence of His favor is the water that He provides His creation. No one knows them all or accounts for them or sustains them except their Creator, blessed is His Name, glory be to Him. And greatness in the creation of the earth and what it contains of mountains, plains, valleys, seas, rivers…and the types of trees and fruits and plants and animals, creatures on land and in the sea. Greatness in creation of the heavens and what they contain of constellations, planets, the sun and the moon. The greatness of Allāh Almighty, and His bounties upon mankind, are evident in everything that people experience in their lives.