Add new “Motors and Sensors Property Page” to configure size of “datalog” and “debug stream” buffers.Implemented separate “Preferences” tab for “sounds”. There are now three possible choices - “common files” directory, “platform specific” directory and “user specified” directory. Enhance directories for “Sound” files.This setting is under “view – preferences”. Support for “Classic Mode” – This mode will disable the “variable stack” and treat all variable as “Global Variables” like ROBOTC used to before version 3.50.“playSoundFile” is now working for the Cortex.

It was introduced with fix for “playSoundFile” not working. Fix bug related to ‘char *’ and ‘string’.The new driver are included in the NXT Sample Program’s directory. Xander’s 3 rd Party Sensor Drivers (from ) are now updated and compatible with ROBOTC 3.54.Auto downloading of files from PC was disabled. nxtDisplayRicFile intrinsic was broken.TETRIX user defined servo names were not being properly setup by compiler.New functionality for I2C test program to optionally create message log traces for I2C ‘write’ and ‘read’.“Move to encoder position” functionality was not working correctly. Support for MATRIX Robotics “Move to Encoder” in NXT firmware using the nMotorEncoderTarget functionality.I will work on a post about what ROBOTC 3.5x and all the new features mean for you as a programmer such as some changes you might consider making to your code to better leverage all these new features. Oh and if’ you’re only interested in downloading it, just pop over here. If you’re keen to read it all, grab yourself a cup of coffee first. The fine folks of Robomatter were kind enough to split the changes up a little, but it is still a long list. We’re currently working on collaborating even more with regards to the inclusion and updating of my Suite as part of ROBOTC. This version also includes version 3.1 of my driver suite. After a slight delay after my initial 3.1 Driver Suite release, ROBITC 3.54 is finally available! There have been so many changes and fixes to make ROBOTC even better than before.